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Be on the Look Out

  • 1 min read
  1. Where is your home SMART Meter located in reference to you or your kid's beds? Do your neighbor's SMART Meter line up with the head of your bed or your child’s bed?
  2. Can you see a cell tower from your home or office?
  3. Is there a cell tower near or above your work, school, church or mall?
  4. Is your router adjacent to your desktop computer?
  5. Do you sleep with your phone On?
  6. Do you drive an electric car?
  7. Do you drive a new car? They are all cross-wired and emit tons of polarizing frequencies.
  8. Do you have the back of someone else’s computer facing you or your back at work?
  9. Do you have a baby monitor?
  10. Does your child’s school or church have a hidden cell tower in the cross, flag pole, or clock?
  11. Do you work with a Lap Top in your lap?
  12. We suggest turning your WiFi off when not using it.
  13. Do your own research and check out the EMF videos on

Image by mhouge from Pixabay

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