In continuing our week of biohacking tools where you can uplevel your health, this episode we are talking all about EMF's and how they can throw off your body's balance and what you can do about it!
- 1 min read
Millimeter waves, also known as extremely high frequency (EHF), is a band of radio frequencies that is well suited for 5G networks. Compared to the frequencies below 5 GHz or 5 billion waves per second, previously used by mobile devices, millimeter wave technology allows transmission on frequencies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. They are touting the 5G at 60-90 GHz or billion waves/sec.
- 1 min read
Unlock the secrets of electromagnetic fields with me, Dr. Charlyce, as I sit down with Athletic Performance Coach, Justin Frandson, who is well-versed in the subtleties of EMF and its effects on our health.
- 1 min read
We also discuss the effects of electronics on your sleep, how your wearables are emitting EMF and what it’s doing to our health, what you need to know about electrosensitivity and electromedicine, and – something many of you will find fascinating – the negative effects of electric cars on the environment and human health.
- 1 min read
There is a simple analogy we like to use. Would you rather eat clean, organic food or GMO food?
- 2 min read