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The ATHLETICISM book will bring you actual programs and protocols the pros use.

Grounded By Nature Book

Over the past 25-plus years, I have worked with amateur and professional athletes on their health and performance through my Athleticism company.

Faraday Bags are military-grade. Put your phone in it to protect it from the invisible, polarizing 4G and 5G millimeter waves of your phone. Many say this is their favorite product.

Independent 3rd Party Test Results for Grounding Bags

  • 3 min read

Dr. Barre Lando, Founder of AlfaVedic conducted 3rd Party, independent waveform analysis on our Grounding Bags. Our blood is indicative of our Qi so a waveform test is actually more accurate and detailed, superseding blood analysis. Plus it is less invasive. The results are absolutely incredible. The Grounding Bags instantly, passively, clinically treated 67% to 90% of markers that were off. This is just by placing four Grounding Bags around his patients and one on their stomach area.

Testing of human energy fields is best accomplished via subject DNA derived from capillary blood or directly linked to test points on the body through dual-impedence antennae technology.

For the purpose of our ongoing study to identify the possible mitigation of noxious effects on human biology from electronics, WiFi, cellular phone, smart meter and general microwave contamination a Lecher Antennae was employed to 1) accurately measure the waveform geometry of test subjects under EMF exposure, and 2) immediately reassess under identical exposure conditions with the addition of 5G Bags strategically positioned around test subjects to discern any changes in the waveform geometry of test subjects.

The Lecher Antennae was first developed by renowned Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher to accurately measure the wavelengths and frequency of electromagnetic waves for engineering purposes. The LA functions upon the principle of the resonance provoked by a loop of wiring with a sliding shunt and is now considered a conventional science within university programs. Lecher lines are part of a field of physics associated with vibrations and waves, where parallel conductors form a transmission line, with a characteristic impedance.

The LA was later re-calibrated for organic testing with modifications and adaptations ideally suited for medical use and bioenergetic analysis allowing a physician to obtain information often thought as inaccessible. The LA affords several advantages in the field of wave-form analysis: (1) No computer interface, and inherent programming limitation/bias, (2) reduced electromagnetic interference inherent with electronic-based technology and (3) pre-testing LA procedures allow the elimination of possible field contamination from both practitioner and assessment space.

The Assessment

LA evaluation was conducted in accordance with established LA protocols to assess wave-form symmetry of test subjects. Human biology is a vast composite of intersecting electrical vectors, which are evaluated from the following criteria consistent with LA protocols, Chinese Medicine, and waveform mechanics. Measurements are derived from precise testing points/regions, with the sliding shunt mechanism calibrated numerically to achieve a proper “pinging effect” between instrument and subject for the specific function in question: (1) North-South Polarity = reception of caudally-directed (through crown) and grounding (through acupuncture K1) vectors, (2) intersection and balanced exchange between North-South polarity(s), (3) East-West polarities in both the lateral and anterior-posterior axis, (4) biological processing capability of both receptivity to incoming vectors, and proper distribution/utilization of incoming resources, (5) general homeostasis between body and surrounding energy fields, (6) open/static status of seven mid-line endocrine processing centers, (7) integrity of six lymphatic processing centers (3+3 bilateral) and (8) centripetal vs centrifugal vectors.

An initial evaluation was accomplished with test subjects lying supine with WiFi/cellular activated i-pad pro placed directly on the umbilicus, and additional active WiFi modum positioned in alignment with the head approximately 4 feet away. Second-phase testing maintained identical conditions for maximum cellular exposure as phase one with the addition of a 5G Bag placed between body and iPad and 5G Bags in caudal, cephalad, and bilateral orientations immediately adjacent to the body.

This study will be ongoing with additional test subjects while incorporating additional diagnostic modalities including Live Cell Microscopy, Clinical Kinesiology and other neuro-meridian indicators to provide more conclusive evidence for future refinements in microwave-protection technology. The Lecher Antennae provides the most foundational data for waveform aberrations affecting biology, and was thus selected to provide a baseline for all future studies. The following findings summarize (1) LA test positives for initial phase 1 measurement, and (2) possible alterations in general wave configurations in the presence of 5G Bags for two test subjects:

Lowest Score / Test Subject A

LA Calibration Initial WF Distortions 5G BAG
12 North Polarity Distortion/Cosmic Channel
8 South Polarity Distortion/Grounding Channel
2.5 Horizontal Axis/East to West Lateral Distortion
2.5 Horizontal Axis/Anterior-Posterior Distortion
15.3 Biological Processing Efficiency
17.6 Distribution/Utilization Efficiency
1.1 Homeostasis with Surrounding Fields
2.5 Lymphatics R Axillary
2.5 Lymphatics R Mid-line
2.5 Lymphatics R Pelvic
2.5 Endocrine/Throat
2.5 Endocrine/Solar Plexus
2.5 Endocrine/Sacral
2.5 Endocrine/Root
Totals: 15 Corrections: 67%

Highest Score / Test Subject B

LA Calibration Initial WF Distortions 5G BAG
8 South Polarity Distortion/Grounding Channel
2.5 Horizontal Axis/East to West Lateral Distortion
2.5 Horizontal Axis/Anterior-Posterior Distortion
15.3 Biological Processing Efficiency
17.6 Distribution/Utilization Efficiency
1.1 Homeostasis with Surrounding Fields
2.5 Lymphatics L Mid-line
2.5 Lymphatics L Pelvic
2.5 Endocrine/Crown
2.5 Endocrine/Throat
2.5 Endocrine/Sacral

Totals: 11

Corrections: 91%


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