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The ATHLETICISM book will bring you actual programs and protocols the pros use.

Grounded By Nature Book

Over the past 25-plus years, I have worked with amateur and professional athletes on their health and performance through my Athleticism company.

Faraday Bags are military-grade. Put your phone in it to protect it from the invisible, polarizing 4G and 5G millimeter waves of your phone. Many say this is their favorite product.

Deep Sleep Grounding Bag, 90-Day Sleep Tracking Test

This is a third party, independent doctor test for three months using EMF Rocks Deep Sleep Grounding Bags. I used my Oura Ring, that I have consistently used and tracked my sleep with for years. The test was conducted in my home in an environment that was consistent. I knew my levels of deep sleep entering this test. I used no other sleep aid during this 90 day period.

There are very few tests that are conducted for this extended period of time. I felt this would reveal everything needed to evaluate this product. The results with the Grounding Bags improved my Deep Sleep up to 60%. I stayed consistently in 50%-60% improvement for the entire 90 days. Below are my number in minutes of deep sleep.

Dr. Rodney White

As a health practitioner for over 20 years now, I have always been fascinated in finding any little advantage I can to improve my own health as well as the health of my family and my patients. One of the biggest struggles I have faced personally, has been getting good quality sleep. Thanks to growing up in a house that we now know had mold, along with some genetic challenges that decreased my ability to clear out that mold along with heavy metals and other toxins from my body, no matter what I did I always struggled to get deep sleep. I could get 7-8 hours sleep most nights, but when I tracked my sleep numbers with my Oura Ring, it was clear that I wasn’t getting anywhere near adequate deep sleep, averaging between 20-40 minutes a night. During my 20’s and early 30’s I could easily function without feeling tired even though my sleep quality was poor, but as I moved into my late 30’s it was starting to take its toll.

So I dived into the research and did everything I could to improve my sleep. I put a chilipad on my mattress so my bed would be cold, slept with white noise on, an eye mas, mouth tape, a night guard to stop grinding my teeth, wore blue blocker glasses for an hour before bed, used magnesium spray, melatonin and then 5-HTP, CBD, Glycine, and turned my phone onto airplane mode. With all of those things in place, I was able to improve my average from 20-40 minutes of deep sleep to about 40-55 minutes with very rare nights hitting an hour or slightly over. But if I skipped anything in my nighttime routine then my deep sleep was immediately poor that night.

Once I connected the healing potential of the earth's resonance, with what is inside the Grounding Bags, I figured I’d give it a shot. I didn’t hold very high expectations, mainly because nothing I have ever tried made a huge impact on my sleep quality. Being a naturally curious health practitioner and scientist by nature, I figured I’d test the Grounding Bags for 3 months. I started with 2 Grounding Bags touching my bed, and during the day I have one sitting on my office chair, one touching the seat in my car, and most days I carry a mini bag with me in my pocket I immediately saw my deep sleep numbers improving. During 3 weeks of use it was consistent, averaging over an 90-100 minutes of deep sleep every night. After about 30 days I noticed a slight dip, then recharged all of my bags and immediately that night the 5-10% dip was gone. Since then I have always recharged my bags every 30 days by placing them outside on the lawn for about 1 minute.

By the end of my 90 day experiment, I was consistently averaging 90 minutes of deep sleep, with highs of 1 hour 40 minutes, and lows of about 45-50 minutes (which was very rare, about once every few weeks). Nothing else in my life had changed - same, bed, diet and exercise routines, no added or decreased stress, and no other changes to my sleep routines. Clearly these Grounding Bags made a difference. After my official experiment ended, I’ve continued to use the Grounding Bags every night, and even with a 6 month old sleeping in our bed, I now average about 1 hour 30 minutes of deep sleep most nights. It’s really quite remarkable as nothing else I added or removed ever made more than a 2-5% improvement of sleep quality.


Minutes of Deep Sleep

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6


Day 7


Day 8


Day 9


Day 10


Day 11


Day 12


Day 13


Day 14


Day 15


Day 16


Day 17


Day 18


Day 19


Day 20


Day 21


Day 22


Day 23


Day 24


Day 25


Day 26


Day 27


Day 28


Day 29


Day 30


Day 31


Day 32


Day 33


Day 34


Day 35



2 Responses

Lesley Witt

Lesley Witt

December 28, 2023

Great info! Thank you for sharing. Did your HRV go up as well according to your Oura ring?



December 28, 2023

What is considered the ideal amount of deep sleep for adults? Is there a chart by age for this number? With my EMF Rocks I get anywhere between 45 minutes to 90 of deep sleep and I am wondering what the ideal would be for a 54 year old. Thanks!

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