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The ATHLETICISM book will bring you actual programs and protocols the pros use.

Grounded By Nature Book

Over the past 25-plus years, I have worked with amateur and professional athletes on their health and performance through my Athleticism company.

Faraday Bags are military-grade. Put your phone in it to protect it from the invisible, polarizing 4G and 5G millimeter waves of your phone. Many say this is their favorite product.


There is a simple analogy we like to use. Would you rather eat clean, organic food or GMO food?
  • 2 min read
Did you know that Francebanned WiFi in elementary schools about 5 years ago? German, Spanish, and Russian governments all also have recommendations to ban WiFi from schools due to potential health challenges. SpaceX and others are on schedule to launch 1 Million satellites beaming 5G to the world.
  • 1 min read