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The ATHLETICISM book will bring you actual programs and protocols the pros use.

Grounded By Nature Book

Over the past 25-plus years, I have worked with amateur and professional athletes on their health and performance through my Athleticism company.

Faraday Bags are military-grade. Put your phone in it to protect it from the invisible, polarizing 4G and 5G millimeter waves of your phone. Many say this is their favorite product.


Are you curious about the impact of electronic devices on our health? How is technology impacting our health? And why is connection with nature important?
  • 1 min read
There is a simple analogy we like to use. Would you rather eat clean, organic food or GMO food?
  • 2 min read
Did you know that Francebanned WiFi in elementary schools about 5 years ago? German, Spanish, and Russian governments all also have recommendations to ban WiFi from schools due to potential health challenges. SpaceX and others are on schedule to launch 1 Million satellites beaming 5G to the world.
  • 1 min read